Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July Sneak Peak...{Amy Beckley Photography}

Now that Softball is over for the summer, I am back in the studio doing what I LOVE!  I had two visitors this past weekend.  They are actually just a few days apart in age and they were a blast to work with...their older siblings even more so!  Big brother Ben and Big sister Maddie stole the show as usual!  The thing I love is that I took their portraits when they were babies!

Anna came to see me first and I can't get over how much she's changed.  She's still this tiny, petite thing but she has tons of personality just like her big brother Ben!

I love this shot!  So sweet!

Colton and Big sister Maddie came to see me next!  He is all over the place and will be RUNNING next time I see him.  He's already standing up on his own!

Look at those BIG BROWN EYES!!

I love this image because of his FEET!  


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